Explore Ecologically Safe Options for Managing Special Waste

Explore Ecologically Safe Options for Managing Special Waste

Did you know that a large majority of manufacturers in Houston are NOT compliant with current Houston environmental waste laws?

The types of byproducts and waste that a typical manufacturer produces falls under the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality as ‘special waste.’ This is “a waste that requires special handling, trained people, and/or special disposal methods. A waste may be a special waste because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or biological characteristics.”

SESCO Environmental provides innovative cost saving solutions to small and mid-size businesses in the Houston, Texas area through recycling and beneficial reuse of waste and unused materials.

Examples of Special Waste

  • Class 1 nonhazardous industrial waste
  • Used motor and hydraulic oils
  • Oily absorbents and debris
  • Oily water and sludges from cleaning sumps
  • Contaminated soils
  • Paint waste
  • Solvents and degreasers
  • Hazardous waste from conditionally exempt small-quantity generators
  • Grease and grit trap wastes
  • Drugs, contaminated foods, or contaminated beverages (other than those contained in normal household waste)
  • Pesticide containers
  • Discarded materials containing asbestos
  • Waste from oil, gas, and geothermal activities subject to regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas when those wastes are to be processed, treated, or disposed of at a municipal solid waste (MSW) facility

If your business produces any of the above, SESCO Environmental Solutions is here to help! Fill out our contact form or call us directly for a Free Site Assessment today!